Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What I Have Learned

Coming to the States to study was a decision I will benefit from for the rest of my life. It is crazy that this quarter ran so fast! I can’t believe how much I have really experienced through this quarter. I have learned so much here; moreover, taking English classes has really helped me focus on improving my skills and it definitely paid off. Starting here in April, I really didn’t know a lot of English profounds; however, my English skills now have developed much better than before. I am really proud of the hard work I have put in this quarter. I know what I have accomplished has exceeded my goals and expectations for where my language skills would be.

Aside from everything that I have learned English-wise, I have also learned so much more, life-wise. First, I have met so many different people. I went to almost 50% of the tours,which were presented by the Extension, and I have enjoyed all of them. Second,  I have learned how to use Fahrenheit instead of Celcius to figure out the temperature outside! It is so funny to think back of the first few weeks here. I was so confused by the Fahrenheit temperatures. I think I can finally understand what it is going to feel like outside after seeing the Fahrenheit temperature! That is a pretty important accomplishment. Third, I feel like it is really important to document everything. I have been able to reflect back on what I have done, probably once a week here in Riverside. Having the camera [ iPhone 4 :) ] with me all the time throughout my staying here has been so beneficial as well. I have photos from the first day here. I hope to continue capturing my life through photos when I get back home. I have a new understanding of how important and fun it is to look back on what I have done or seen. I really enjoy looking through my photos and feeling so fortunate for getting to experience all of it. Fourth, living in a different country broadened my world view. Before coming to the States, I didn’t really think about other cultures and other languages. After being placed into another country and meeting many people from different areas of the world, I have a greater interest in learning about other cultures/countries. Fifth, Skype is amazing. Like most people who study abroad, I missed my family back home. But, luckily with the help of Skype, I could talk to and see my family. That was great because not only was it free, it also made me feel better. This was the longest time I have gone without being with my family. So, thank you Skype. Furthermore, studying abroad is really challenging at times but it is completely worth it. I have gained so much from this experience, I probably don’t even realize how much I have benefited from it yet. in the end, I have learned a lot from my dedicated teachers and I am so thankful to them.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), a group of illnesses that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, most notably the ability to socialize or form relationships with others as well as the ability to communicate and to use imagination (including fantasy play). Children with autism and related disorders often are confused in their thinking and generally have problems understanding the world around them.

In addition to problems with social interaction, imagination, and communication, children with autism also have a limited range of interests. Many children with autism (nearly 75%) also have mental retardation. In many cases, children with autism are unable to emotionally bond with their parents or other family members.

Symptoms of autism typically appear before a child is 3 years old and last throughout life. Children with autism can display a wide range of symptoms, which can vary in severity from mild to disabling. General symptoms that may be present to some degree in a child with autism include:
1- Difficulty with verbal communication, including problems using and understanding language.
2- Inability to participate in a conversation, even when the child has the ability to speak.
3- Difficulty with non-verbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions.
4- Difficulty with social interaction, including relating to people and to his or her surroundings.
5- Inability to make friends and preferring to play alone.
6- Unusual ways of playing with toys and other objects, such as only lining them up a certain way.
7- Lack of imagination.
8- Difficulty adjusting to changes in routine or familiar surroundings, or an unreasonable insistence on following routines in detail.
9- Repetitive body movements, or patterns of behavior, such as hand flapping, spinning, and head banging.
10- Preoccupation with unusual objects or parts of objects.

People with a form of autism, called savantism, have exceptional skills in specific areas such as music, art, and numbers. People with savantism are able to perform these skills without lessons or practice.

The exact cause of autism is not known, but research has pointed to several possible factors, including genetics (heredity), certain types of infections, and problems occurring at birth.

Recent studies strongly suggest that some people have a genetic predisposition to autism, meaning that a susceptibility to develop the condition may be passed on from parents to children. Researchers are looking for clues about which genes contribute to this increased vulnerability. In some children, environmental factors may also play a role. Studies of people with autism have found abnormalities in several regions of the brain, which suggest that autism results from a disruption of early brain development while still in utero.

If autism symptoms are present, the doctor will begin an evaluation by performing a complete medical history and physical exam. Although there are no laboratory tests for autism, the doctor may use various tests -- such as X-rays and blood tests -- to determine if there is a physical disorder causing the symptoms.

If no physical disorder is found, the child may be referred to a specialist in childhood development disorders, such as a child and adolescent psychiatrist or psychologist, pediatric neurologist, developmental pediatrician, or another health professional who is specially trained to diagnose and treat autism. The doctor bases his or her diagnosis on the child's level of development, and the doctor's observation of the child's speech and behavior, including his or her play and ability to socialize with others. The doctor often seeks input from the child's parents, teachers, and other adults who are familiar with the child's symptoms.

Autism cannot be prevented or cured. However, early diagnosis and intervention is critical and may help to maximize a child with autism's ability to speak, learn, and function. It is very important that all children see a pediatrician regularly so that any signs of autism can be detected early. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it can be.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Carpe Diem


        Since I was a little girl, I have dreamed of many things; however, most of these dreams did not come true. Therefore, I have started to think that dreaming and planning for the future is not as important as living the present. The future can hides uncertain events and not knowing those events can be extremely exhilarating. Moreover, worrying about what life might throw in our way, is making our life full of fear. Also, it is preventing us from taking decisions and making the necessary changes (leap of faith)!! Carpe Diem is a Latin term for "Seize the day", which means live your day and stop thinking about the future because it is not seen. The best way to seize the day is to pick a really big thing that you have been putting off and stop thinking and projecting about it. After that, create your plan and get into action by taking the first step. Keep taking steps until you have accomplished your task. Cherish the present; moreover, to live a happy life we need to embrace everything that comes in our way. Life is short, so appreciate each moment of your life and do not let anything pass you by without trying it. There are several things I would like to do with my life. For now, there is one thing I want it to be done as soon as possible which is being accepted in university of California Riverside for a graduate degree. So far, I am studying at UCR Extension Center to improve my English skills and later on to gain the required TOEFL score to be accepted at the college. Take your life as it comes, day by day. As Abraham Lincoln said,"And in the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It is the life in your years."

There is an application from Apple store that has a lot of quotes regarding Carpe Diem, the application's name is Carpe Diem.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Sweet Beloved Mother

My first post was about someone whose made my life so colorful and bright. In particular, it was about my father, who had left the world to a better one. However, my father could not reach the higher positions and became a very successful gentleman without his life partnership, his other half, his wife. My sweet and beloved mother, who had a huge impact on my father's life and our's (my brothers, my sisters, and myself). My mother has an extraordinary fortitude, perseverance, an altruistic soul and a very kindly heart. The kind of mother who has a great willingness to help other people who have problems; moreover, my mother taught me more than anyone else, she gave me the strength to overcome hardships in my life, yet she left me with invaluable life lessons. Her fortitude and perseverance, have encouraged me to grow up to live the life of an authentic person, a life filled with perseverance and determination.

In addition, my mother's life is the reason which made her such an independent woman with a lot of great personalities. Her father was one of the ten other students who had graduated from the university as the first alumni group to graduate from that college. His major was in biochemistry studies; furthermore, he worked in the ministry of commerce in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for many years in higher positions. After that, he started his own business in the field of commerce; moreover, he provided a lot of businessmen with a very great advices regarding their business. My grandfather was a very successful businessman who travelled the whole world for business, tourist and study. My mother is the only daughter in her family; however, she was not a very spoiled child, her mother made her to do a lot of home chores, besides, she has to study hard for school. Despite of that, she was successful everywhere, her parents adore her for being a very respected daughter and for being an excellent student.

Moreover, my mother is a very educated and knowledgable woman, she studied English Literature at University of Washington, Seattle. Also, she speaks French very well, because she studied it at college for two years. My mother loves to read books almost in every field; furthermore, she loves to read novels and poetry. However, my sweet mother sacrifices all that for one thing, to rear her children and be there all the time, so she is a full time mother!
My mother has given me emotional support since day one; furthermore, she always trusted me due to the fact she has tought me right from wrong. By her teaching me the valuable manners, I have been able to make better choices as a young woman. She has encouraged me to do my best at everything I do and to never give up. My mother has been the best role model for me; she has taught me not to worry about what others think or say about me, as long as I am doing the right thing. Also, she teaches me to stand up for what I believe in no matter what the case is; besides, she has taugh me that no mountain is high enough to climb. Those are a few reasons why she is an excellent role model in my life.

My mother is a diligent and determined woman who has left me with the right direction to be a successful person. I can never thank my mother enough for what she has given to me; for how she suffered when I was in her womb and the pain she had to go through to bring me out to this world. Moreover, the precious lessons from my mother are the luggage for me to go on my road and discover new horizon of knowledge and make my dream become a reality. In the end, I realize the invaluable gift of life and true happiness to view the world more optimistically and to believe in the brighter future, thank you my dearest mother.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Al Janadriyah: Heritage and Cultural Festival

Al Janadriyah Heritage and Cultural Festival (Al Janadriyah 2011) has become the major tourist magnet in Riyadh; it is located about 45 kilometers outside Riyadh. It is the annual extravaganza that celebrates the vibrant cultural treasures of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, it is one of the famous cultural festivals of Saudi Arabia that brings the various cultural and traditional forms together at one platform. Also, it highlights some of the most exquisite samples of arts and crafts of Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the festival reveals the regional differences which create the distinctive character of Saudi individuality.

The festival, in its 26th edition, starts with a camel race and goes on to the performances of the folklore troupes, and recitations by famous literary figures. In addition, the prosaic literature, beautiful poetry, drama, intellectual discussions, and music are all in a full bloom in this event. It serves two purposes at the same time: educating the people about the richness of the folk arts, and entertaining them with the performances. Also, there are working displays of carpet-weaving, pottery-making, and woodcarving from different regions. Arabian dancers and singers provide entertainment, while reviving all the traditional songs of different regions. There are also displays by the armed forces, and displays of traditional swords and daggers. Apart from Al Janadriyah attraction is the camel race that invites thousands of spectators. Though apparently, it seems to be hardcore entertainment stuff, the way the camels are handled and navigated, it speaks volumes about the art and the skill involved.

The festival draws more than one million visitors every year, from different countries. In the end, Al Janadriyah Heritage and Cultural Festival is a perfect event to get the essential of Saudi Arabia in a nutshell.

If you want to watch videos regarding the events in Al Janadriyah, visit http://www.youtube.com/ and type in the search: Al Janadriyah 2011


Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Father: A Person Who I Follow

On April 16th 1984, I have walked my way from my mother’s womb. On the same date 2010, someone who means the world to me had gone to a place, where I will never see him again. That person was my father, who died on April 16th. My father had always been in my life, from the first day I opened my eyes until the day he was gone.  That person was a loving, kind, modest, thoughtful and a giving man. In the early 80’s, he was in the United States for his master degree, where he earned it from University of Washington in Seattle. Furthermore, he had his P.H.D. from University of Rhode Island in Kingston. As a result, he was a very educated and knowledgeable person. My father, really made a massive impact in my life, he encouraged me to chase my graduate degree in the United States.  Accordingly, he gave me the motivation and welling to do that. He has taught me never to give up and to go for what’s out there. Despite being a workaholic, he was able to manage his time and be there for his family. He worked his life to make sure we always have everything we need. He worked in the ministry of commerce, which is located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His position was general manager for fighting commercial fraud. He had been in lots of TV shows and radio interviews, where he discussed the essentials of his job. In addition, he always tried his best effort to fix everything. He made me believe that all my requests were orders, he never said no; therefore, I was my daddy little girl all the time. Sometimes when I need him the most, I just close my eyes so tight and imagine him next to me, comforting me and telling me that everything will be alright. Finally, I am grateful and proud to be able to call this wonderful man my father.