Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What I Have Learned

Coming to the States to study was a decision I will benefit from for the rest of my life. It is crazy that this quarter ran so fast! I can’t believe how much I have really experienced through this quarter. I have learned so much here; moreover, taking English classes has really helped me focus on improving my skills and it definitely paid off. Starting here in April, I really didn’t know a lot of English profounds; however, my English skills now have developed much better than before. I am really proud of the hard work I have put in this quarter. I know what I have accomplished has exceeded my goals and expectations for where my language skills would be.

Aside from everything that I have learned English-wise, I have also learned so much more, life-wise. First, I have met so many different people. I went to almost 50% of the tours,which were presented by the Extension, and I have enjoyed all of them. Second,  I have learned how to use Fahrenheit instead of Celcius to figure out the temperature outside! It is so funny to think back of the first few weeks here. I was so confused by the Fahrenheit temperatures. I think I can finally understand what it is going to feel like outside after seeing the Fahrenheit temperature! That is a pretty important accomplishment. Third, I feel like it is really important to document everything. I have been able to reflect back on what I have done, probably once a week here in Riverside. Having the camera [ iPhone 4 :) ] with me all the time throughout my staying here has been so beneficial as well. I have photos from the first day here. I hope to continue capturing my life through photos when I get back home. I have a new understanding of how important and fun it is to look back on what I have done or seen. I really enjoy looking through my photos and feeling so fortunate for getting to experience all of it. Fourth, living in a different country broadened my world view. Before coming to the States, I didn’t really think about other cultures and other languages. After being placed into another country and meeting many people from different areas of the world, I have a greater interest in learning about other cultures/countries. Fifth, Skype is amazing. Like most people who study abroad, I missed my family back home. But, luckily with the help of Skype, I could talk to and see my family. That was great because not only was it free, it also made me feel better. This was the longest time I have gone without being with my family. So, thank you Skype. Furthermore, studying abroad is really challenging at times but it is completely worth it. I have gained so much from this experience, I probably don’t even realize how much I have benefited from it yet. in the end, I have learned a lot from my dedicated teachers and I am so thankful to them.

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